Want To Know How To Enlarge Your Penis? Sure Fire Ways To Make Your Penis Bigger In Two Months!

 Do you want to add an extra inch or two to your average sized penis? Or have you ever wanted to have a porn star like massive 8.5 inch organ and have women craving for you wherever you go? Did you want to know all your life about how to enlarge your penis in a fast and effective way? Here in this article I am literally going to show you some of the most effective ways to make your penis bigger!! So please be patient and read on.

Most men in this world are blessed with an averaged sized penis that is more than sufficient for having normal sexual intercourse. So the point arises, why do all men fantasize about having a bigger penis? Simple, because it boosts their ego and makes them sexually attractive and desirable to a woman. It is for this reason that the market is literally flooded with penis enlargement products and solutions presenting today's men like never before with a bewildering range of products and ways to make your penis bigger. But not all of them are safe and effective.

An Austrian gentleman named Otto Leveder invented what we know as the first modern penis enlargement device called the penis pump. Using a penis pump is simple. All you have to do is wear a sheath over your penis and with the help of a hand pump start pumping to draw out the air inside the sheath. This creates a vacuum inside the sheath as a result of which blood rushes and fills up your penile tissues from the other parts of your body.

The penile tissues and chambers get filled up with blood and start to lengthen and stiffen giving you a substantially large and hard erection. To prevent all that accumulated blood to rush out of your penis, a small rubber ring is to be worn at the base of your penis to prevent the blood from going out of your penis and helping you to maintain your erection much longer.Scott J Cooper

But the disadvantages that come with penis pumps far outweigh their positives, and thus, are not recommended by most medical practitioners. It is advised that you obtain more knowledge as well as medical advice before trying out penis pumps to enlarge your penis.

Since ancient times, penis weights are considered to be amongst the most effective ways to make your penis bigger. The process involves hanging weights to the head of your penis thus getting it stretched and helping you to enlarge your penis. Ancient pharaohs used this technique to intensify the sensations that they felt in their penis during sexual intercourse.

Although this technique is effective in helping you to enlarge your penis, it comes with its own set of disadvantages. Though penis weights increase your penis size, they reduce the girth of your penis and also prevents to maintain proper blood circulation to your penile tissues thus putting you at the risk of getting permanent erectile dysfunction.

This method is widely prevalent in the Arab world as an effective way to make your penis bigger, and is taught to Arab boys before they attain adulthood to help increase their size. This technique involves doing 100 exercises within a span of 30 minutes to help increase your size. It is relatively a safer exercise, as all you have to do is use your hand to stretch your penis and help increase blood flow to your engorged organ.

However, you must obtain an in-depth knowledge on how to enlarge your penis with the jelqing technique before trying out this method, because any abnormal amount of pressure that you put with your hand on your penis might result in long-lasting damage to your organ.

Widely recommended by medical practitioners as amongst the best ways to make your penis bigger, penis stretchers or traction devices put a carefully calibrated amount of pressure to the head of your unit. This process not only stretches and lengthens your penis, but also helps generate millions of penile tissues and cells thus helping to cure even damaged organs.

Traction devices are extremely comfortable to use and can be worn for as much as 8 hours a day at a stretch. They are the safest and most effective method available to enlarge your penis in the shortest amount of time possible. Recommended and certified by leading medical practitioners, traction devices can help you increase your size by 2-3 inches within a period of two months!!

Personally speaking I've been using traction devices for six months and have managed to increase my size from 4 inches to a massive 8.5 inches!! And I'm still counting!!

Do you want to be like me and possess a massive 8.5 inch penis that keeps your woman lusting for you all night long?

Or take action immediately like I have taken to increase my penis size? Or maybe, remain satisfied with what ever god has given you while the rest of the world gets ahead of you and takes advantage of my penis enlargement technique that have helped more than 50,000 of my website readers to help increase their size!!
